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Advanced Services
Monteco is renewed

Monteco simplifies the management of all services relating to separate waste collection, integrating information search and waste management services in a single environment.

A single, smarter solution, customised to your specific needs.

All you need to know is the address and type of user, business or private home, for which you want to view the information or services provided by Monteco. Get started right away, using the shortcuts you find here.



Monteco open data
In base alla deliberazione 444/2019/R/RIF - TITR (Disposizioni in materia di trasparenza nel servizio di gestione dei rifiuti urbani e assimilati) e alla deliberazione 15/2022/R/RIF - TQRIF (Testo unico per la regolazione della qualità del servizio di gestione dei servizi urbani) il gestore delle attività di raccolta, di trasporto, delle attività di spazzamento e lavaggio delle strade è tenuto...
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How can we help?

Need information on bulky waste?

See the page dedicated to on-call services

Report a non-collection of:
  • Paper
  • Clothing
  • Metals
  • Exhausted vegetable oils
  • Organic
  • Cloths
  • Plastic
  • Pruning
  • Dry residue
  • Glass
Monteco cosed
Service reserved for TARI holders
Online desk
To request:
  • Badge for underground ecological center
  • Envelopes for separate collection
  • Domestic compost bin
  • Containers
Logo Monteco e lucchetto aperto
Service open to all
Do you need further information?

Check out the FAQ

Toll-free number 800 80.10.20
+39 0832 720411
+39 0832 792301
Logo Monteco e lucchetto aperto
Service open to all
Trouble with the website or the app?

SC Competition!

Which are the most virtuous municipalities of Separate Waste Collection (SC)?
Look at the ranking, check out the data of your municipality and help it make a difference!
SC Map
Explore the map below to see the details relating to the Separate Collection of each Municipality.
Lecce Surbo Trepuzzi Novoli Campisalentina Salice salentino Squinzano Guagnano Casalabate Latiano Oria San Pancrazio Salentino Erchie Torre Santa Susanna Francavilla Fontana San Michele Salentino Statte Martina Franca Locorotondo Alberobello Palagianello Crispiano Carosino Corigliano d'Otranto Cursi
The data refer to the month prior to the current one and are updated on the 15th of each month.

Did you know...

Terra, nuvole, foglie
  1. Europe is at the forefront of sustainable forest management

    Thanks to the recycling of paper and wood and environmental protection policies, European forests are increasing, because Europe is at the forefront of sustainable forest management.

  2. We could get numerous items from wood recyclin

    By recycling 1 wooden box we get 1 coat rack, from 4 pallets a desk, from 30 pallets a wardrobe.

  3. Recycling a single can saves a lot of energy

    By recycling a single beverage can, we save so much energy to keep a TV on for 3 hours!


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