Monteco simplifies the management of all services relating to separate waste collection, integrating information search and waste management services in a single environment.
A single, smarter solution, customised to your specific needs.
All you need to know is the address and type of user, business or private home, for which you want to view the information or services provided by Monteco. Get started right away, using the shortcuts you find here.
How can we help?
- Badge for underground ecological center
- Envelopes for separate collection
- Domestic compost bin
- Containers
Check out the FAQ
SC Competition!

Palagianello. L'abbandono dei rifiuti è un reato ambientale, non fare questo alla tua città

Comune e Monteco consegnano le borracce agli studenti dell'Istituto Comprensivo «Morea-Tinelli»

Giornata ecologica di pulizia della circonvallazione con l’Eco-Concorso “Raccogli, pesa e Vinci”
Did you know...
- We could get numerous items from recycling plastic bottles
With 27 plastic bottles we get a fleece sweatshirt, with 67 water bottles one padding for a double duvet, with 45 trays and a few meters of plastic film we get a bench, with 11 bottles of detergent one watering can.
- Chipboard panels made from recycled wood could cover Rome
The chipboard panels produced each year with recycled wood would be enough to cover the surface of the entire built-up area of Rome.
- Tons of steel were recovered
In more than ten years, almost 3.000000 tons of steel have been recovered; the equivalent in weight of 300 Eiffel Tower!